Jacinda Adern
Molesworth Street
Pipitea Wellington 6011
Friday 22nd May 2020
Tanisha Fretton
172 West Tamaki Rd,
Glen Innes, Auckland 1072
Dear Ms. Adern,
I am writing this letter to inform you that me, my friends and my family really appreciate every little thing that you have done, not only for me, but the whole of New Zealand. I am thankful to know that you are our prime minister of my/our country.
We all appreciate the hard work that you put in to help around our country. You always make sure that we’re safe. What I like about you the most is that you put everybody else first before yourself, you don’t care about the people who despise you. You are the definition of a role model.
Being a mother as well as the prime minister of New Zealand must be an absolute challenge to do. Hello, my name is Tanisha Fretton. I am a year 8 student currently at Glen Taylor School (New Zealand - Auckland). I am 12 years of age and you are my role model.
Hope to meet you one day in the future,
Tanisha Fretton